Mikkel Mortensen

I have great experience with program planning for endurance sports especially triathlons and running
have been helping athletes achive their goals and dreams, at all levels, through Actiwise since 2015
I am the assistent trainer at KTK86, in which i have great coorporations with the headcoach about the general seasonplan and the regular trainings. I am a regular trainer in swimming and running, and is head of different speaks and events regarding Optimization of performance. In KTK86 Elite / REC Øst I am working with the culture to make a safe and high performance team.
I am furthermore coach for, and responsible for the running- and season planning at Amager triathlon club.
I am former chieftrainer at Tri club Denmark, with responsibilities for the overall training strategi across all disciplines. I was in charge of the planning of the season.
I offer tailored company trainings through “God Træning”, helping companies strengthen their health and coorporation.
I have previously been the chief of biking at DGI, and helped develop the current biking offer for CPH Riders

I have a BSc in Sports and Physical activity from the University of Copenhagen. From 2023 I´m studying MSc in Competition and Elite Sports on the University of Southern Denmark.
I am certified Trainer 1 & 2 through Dansk Idrætsforbund, certified 1 & 2 Triathlon Denmark trainer and running coach from DGI
I have specialized in;
“Supermotionisten” which includes a polarised training, speed and strength. as well as planning the trainings, competitions and rest.
“Psycology of the run” – motivation, setting goals, visualization and mental preparations for the competition.
I am also a certified sports coach from DGI, and has completed a Coaching psykology course about evidens based coaching methods. I have also completed a supervision course by Dansk Idrætspsykologisk Forum (DIFO
This means that i through 1:1 coaching sessions can guide you and help you keep your motivation, create mental strength and excess to reach your goals

My results
I am an triahtlete my self, and my results includes severel wins, podium-, overall and age group top placements.
I would like to High light two results from 2028
ITU Long Distance AG world champion and fastest Dane at the Iron Man at Kona completing at the time 8 hours 36 min. 49 sec. Which gave me the second place in my age group 25-29 yrs. and 3rd fastest AG overall
I have been riding with the Pro group since 2019.
My today fastest Iron Man was completed in 8 hours, 15 minutes and 42 sec. in 2019
/Mikkel Mortensen